ULNT3 Neurodynamics Assessment
Ulnar Nerve Assessment – ULNT3
Ulnar nerve (C6-T1)
Starting position:
- Patientlayssupine,armsbytheside,andshoulderclosetothe edge of the examination table, no pillow if possible, and body straight.
- Therapistfacingthepatient’sheadandpressesnearhandonthe table above the patient’s shoulder in either a knuckles or fist position (this time, applying a downward or caudad pressure on the superior aspect of the patient’s shoulder to achieve shoulder girdle depression).
- Withtheotherhand,thetherapistholdsthepatient’shandpalm against palm and the elbow starts in extension.
Movement sequence:
- Wristandingersextendedastheelbowisflexed.
- Forearmisthenpronatedandtheshouldertakenintolateralrotation and abduction.
- Glenohumeralexternalrotationtoavailablerange(generallystopped at 90 degrees if the patient is very mobile)
- Elbowextensionshouldbedonegentlyandwithcarenottocauseany shoulder motion, especially adduction (which would ease off developing neurodynamic test).
Structural differentiation:
- Basedonwherethesymptoms(ifany)arelocated.
- Addincervicalcontralaterallateralflexionorshouldergirdledepression.
Palpable areas:
- Pisiform area at the wrist
- At the elbow and in the upper arm
Common entrapments / syndromes:
- Guyon’s canal
- Cubital tunnel